Channel Web Part Product RoadMap
Mentions Giving users the ability to @ people in the new message and reply input boxes | Planned |
Real time updates Providing real time updates to Teams content using the Microsoft Graph API Webhooks | Planned |
Fetch more content Requesting more than the latest 20 messages from a channel | Planned |
Better message options Making the message writing experience better. | Unplanned |
Reactions Giving Users the ability to react to messages and replies | Unplanned |
Adaptive Cards Adaptive cards are used to surface App content within teams. Content can come from sources such as Microsoft Forms and Planner. We currently only provide links to this data. | Unplanned |
Compact Mode More options to configure the layout of the webpart, including content density | Unplanned |
More Languages Supporting more languages than our current options Dutch and English | Planned |
Attachments Providing an interface for users to upload attachments to messages | Unplanned |